

Everything Vocals

Introduction And Posture

The voice! 
The first Musical Instrument! The most glorious of all instruments as nature has proved and placed it!!

Going through the scriptures in Job, you'd read that the Morning Stars sang, and how would you sing? The answer is the Voice! 

So much of research works have proven that Job is one of the oldest books of the Bible. And if you study the Bible further, you'll see that music existed before the beginning of the earth.

   The voice has been "improved" upon or rather subjected to training, by successive generations of singers and musicians from antiquity untill present day. 

   The Medieval or Middle Ages (500-1450) was known as the “Golden Age of Melody” or Monophony: meaning one voice, or one part. This was the music designated as Plain Song, Plain Chant or Gregorian Chant. And it further developed further in the Renaissance age when songs was sung in parts known as "Harmony" that is, "Polyphony" meaning different voices together.

During this period vocal music was regarded as the dominating form of Music to the race of Man, until the Baroque Era when instrumental music picked up form.
 Instrumental music has been in existence, in the scriptures you'd see that David played the Harp.

Listen to a hundred singers and listen for similarities and observe that "No two voices are the same", The vocal fold's anatomy varies from individual to individual making us sound differently. If there are 7.53 billion humans, at the default there are 7.53 billion unique voices. But as Vocal Music evolves the voice has been categorized into seven(7) basic types.

Female Voice Types
1. Soprano
2. Mezzo Soprano
3. Contralto

Male Voice Types
1. Countertenor
2. Tenor
3. Baritone
4. Bass

   Now regarding the proper posture of the Voice, first things first, As with other Musical instruments that are more tangible and their playing posture more visible and direct. The Voice requires a fine posture, however, vocal "posture-matics" is more of a mental positioning-idea, but this do not make it (the voice) an imaginary instrument, as it (the voice) is both a real and a physical [tangible (?)] instrument just like all other Musical instruments. Therefore, to Trust your singing Voice Mentally, is the best way towards better vocal posture/positioning.

#Sure techniques to building a firm Musicality#

If you wish to build that beautiful voice of your dream. OFF YOU GO! 👇